李铭(Wichaya Khonpipat),泰国国籍,18届中央民族大学中国少数民族语言文学系语言学及应用语言学专业硕士毕业生,导师是杨大方副教授。毕业后于2018年至 2024 年在泰国艺术大学教育学院国际语言教育系汉语教育专业担任教师,主要工作内容为培养泰国汉语教育专业学生,负责初级汉语课、汉语阅读课、HSK5级课,中国概况课等课程的授课。2024年开始担任泰国艺术大学教育学院附属中学汉语班教师,承担中级汉语课授课任务。发表文章
1. “Modern Approaches to Learning Management and Promoting Happiness in Learning”. Chiang Mai Rajabhat Education Journal. Vol.3, No.1, January - April 2024. (TCI 2)
2. “Developing Chinese Preservice Teaching’ Ability to Design Learning Management Through Active Learning Integrated with Local Data”. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (JHUSOC). Vol.21, No.2, May - August 2023. (TCI 1)
1. The Needs Assessment for Opening a Master 's degree in Chinese Language Teaching, Faculty of Education, Silpakorn University. [Paper presentation]. The 10th International Conference on Education (ICE 2023) and the 19th" National Conference. Faculty of Education, Silpakorn University. (2023, June 10).
2. Capacity Improvement in Learning Design and Management of Students Teaching Chinese Through Active Learning Integrated with Local Data Under and the Subject of Extension of Local Wisdom to Social Awareness and Development: Sanam Chandra Palace. [Paper presentation]. The 3" InternationalConference on Language and Culture ASEAN - China 2023 "Diversity and Dynamics of Language, Culture, Society and Economy in ASEAN and China" Sophanouvong University. (2023, March 27).
1. 2023年泰国艺术大学教育学院研究与创新中心教学方法优秀奖,“组织汉语教育专业学生进行Sanam Chan行宫本地融合教学活动,灌输社区价值观与文化”。
2. 2023年泰国艺术大学教育学院研究与创新中心课程优秀奖,“基于创造力理念并结合教师技术使用而提高学习管理能力并促进学生创新能力与学习乐趣的课程设计”。
3. 2022年泰国艺术大学教育学院研究与创新中心教学方法优秀奖,“促进高中生文学分析思维能力的主动学习模式”。